The Things I’m Thankful For
This past week was Thanksgiving, and I took a bit of time to think of the things I am most grateful for in my life. This past year has been an absolute roller coaster and through it, I learned how important it is to have certain people and things in my life. In no particular order, here are the things that make my life a little bit better:
It would be wrong to start anywhere but my family.
Mom, you’ve answered every call for help. You’ve been my rock through the hardest of times.
Dad, you’re my role model; my hero. You’re not afraid to tell me you love me like a lot of fathers are. I want to be just like you.
Jason, we haven’t always been the closest of brothers. But that’s been changing the last few months, and I couldn’t be happier about that.
I guess I should follow up with my second family. I couldn’t be more thankful for the group of friends I have. You guys fill my life with laughter.
In no particular order, here come some shout-outs:
Colin, you’re really like an older brother to me ever since high school. But our friendship deepened over the summer. You’ve really pushed me to work on my faith, and I think that’s one of the big reasons I’ve felt more at peace recently. You push me to love everyone, to be a better man. You’re the man.
Cody, we really just clicked since meeting last year. I can tell you anything, and I wouldn’t want to randomly stay up until 2 a.m. watching YouTube with anybody else. Our spontaneous adventures are something I can always look forward to. I know there is a lot more to come between us.
Kels, you’re my little sister back home. You know you drive me nuts sometimes, but we’ve done so much together. Never would’ve thought being peer-pressured into taking you to prom would’ve turned into what it did. From a summer full of adventures to weekly phone calls and catch-ups, you’ve been there every step of the way for a while now.
T, my fellow Sox fan! I thought we’d end up being good friends since the day we met. But I had no idea how much time we’d spend together, how many adventures we’d go on, or how many buckets you’d get in open gym. Can’t wait to rock overalls together again.
SamO, a dog gon’ hunt! I’m glad we got as close as we did senior year of high school, and I’d say we’re both off to bigger and better things. I always look forward to checking in with you, and meeting up over breaks. Jumping into the quarry and running with you at Nationals are just a few of the memories we share that I’ll never forget.
Nick, aka White Lightning. We had a bumpy start, as we were both hotshots butting heads on the track team. But with time we loosened up, and by the end of senior year, we were best friends. Like you said in your little speech, we really ended up more like brothers. I’m always looking out for you.
Abby, sometimes I wonder how in the world we ended up such good friends. From randomly meeting at Vista to all the summer adventures, something about us clicks. You’re someone that I know I’ll laugh a lot with, but you also keep it real with me. Sometimes too real. Here’s to more on-campus dinners. Navy and Duke can suck it.
Noah, we hit it off from our first dinner together. My QB, my shooting guard, and the ultimate homie. I always know it’s gonna be a good time when you’re around. When I need you, you’re there, whether it’s just a phone call or meeting up over the summer. I also know that I can dog you in Fifa to put you back in your place…
Em, I guess it’s definitely fair to say we’ve had our ups and downs. I think we’ve matured a lot since first knowing each other and I think that’s really helped us as friends. Anytime I need a laugh and a good time I can always count on you, but you’re still someone I can talk to about anything with.
Rammer Jammer, the ultimate hype man. Blessed to be a New England fan with you. You’re one of the realest, most genuine guys I know. I love to mess with you, but at the same time, I have your back through anything. If anybody on that list of haters crosses a line, I’ll be there to help you write the diss track about them.
Elise, you know how to drive me crazy. But you’re also down for just about anything at any time, and sometimes that’s what I need. I know you will ALWAYS answer a facetime call, which is concerning but also comforting. You know my true weird self more than most, so for that, I’ll give you props.
The Bropostles, aka my bible study. You guys have been really important to me since coming into this semester. Getting to know everyone better has brought me a lot of happiness, and I look forward to our relationships growing further than just during our study once a week.
KARAte Chop, you a crazy one. I’m thankful for all of our spontaneous phone calls and late night grocery trips. I know we don’t see each other as often as we would like, but I know you’re there if I need it.
Mads, somehow we are always on the same wavelength. We can go months without talking, but I always know we’ll catch up and spend the whole time laughing. I think you really get me and vice versa, and that’s really special.
Ricky, you really are a wild one. I know I can always count on you for three things: sports conversations, music appreciation, and complaining that I wake you up in the morning. You’re a riot, but a riot that I love ;)
My high school boys. Carson, Ian, and the Curry’s, it’s hard to really call anybody else my A1 Day 1’s. I know I haven’t been the greatest at keeping in touch and that’s something I need to work on. You guys will always hold a special place in my heart. Even as we have gone our different ways, I know we always are there for each other if it’s needed.
Nitin, I never would’ve thought a year ago that I would be including you in this. But after a few months of grabbing meals, hanging out, and a few deep conversations, I think it’s fair. You push me to think a little bit more and work a little bit harder, and that’s always a good friend to have. One day we’ll go skydiving, just like you want to.
Meg, the rock star! You’re my source of home away from home (among others), and I can always count on you for a spontaneous late night walk or adventure. You’re always willing to give me your honest opinion, and you’re not afraid to stand out. Since Vista and our hot chocolate adventures, you’ve been a sweet friend.
Aaron, my favorite man that’s sub-5 feet. You’re an absolute goofball of a human being. I know sometimes I cook you up a bit too hard, but you truly take it like a champ. You’re always a blast to be around, and I can’t wait for next year together.
True Squad, aka my 11th-floor boys. The definition of absolute goons. You guys gave me a million memories last year. I’m glad we stay in touch via Snapchat and our mediocre football team, but I also know I could hit any of you guys up if I needed something. My dad heard Merk say “11th floor, keep it real” on move-out day and is convinced it was our year-long motto. Although that’s not the case, it’s pretty fitting.
Jesse, we go all the way back to the WMS days. All of the marketing classes together ended up making us pretty good friends, and I’m glad we’ve kept in touch. We have a lot in common and seem to always pick up right where we left off last seeing each other. You’re truly yourself, and that’s something I really admire.
A few more random things I’m thankful for:
Yes Theory. Yeah, the YouTube Channel. I just recently got obsessed with these guys. They spread positive messages such as “seek discomfort” and “strangers are just friends you haven’t met before.” You’ve inspired and challenged me to get a little uncomfortable in life.
Some musicians. Mike Posner, the late and legendary Mac Miller, Luke Christopher, 6lack, J. Cole, Walker Hayes, the list could go on. Sometimes when I feel like the world is crashing down around me, I’ve been able to just throw in some earbuds and be taken somewhere else a little bit better. Music is life-changing. Also, side note: if you want to check out some of the music I listen to, I try and post it in this series — my music
L.L. Bean. At this point, half my wardrobe is Bean apparel and I just feel like this is a necessary shout-out.
The Red Sox. This definitely sounds silly, but this year’s World Series run became my nightly escape this past fall.
My iPhone. But not for the reason you think. I’ve taken a lot of time away from social media, and it’s been one of the best decisions of my life; however, I spend a lot less time on my phone. But at the same time, I’ve been able to use my phone in more meaningful ways. Facetiming, calling, and texting friends to check-in and catch-up has been really important to me in the past few months. So, shout out to Steve Jobs.
Taking a step back, there are a lot of people that I’m truly grateful for. My life wouldn’t be the same without every one of you, and others not mentioned. As Jimmy V said in his famous ESPY speech, “If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that’s a full day. That’s a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you’re going to have something special.” By surrounding myself with such positive people, I do those three things on a regular basis. To all of you, I love you guys.